For people aching for a baby, a pregnancy loss is physically and emotionally devastating. You need support and medical care, not rejection and condemnation. Luckily, decades ago when I had multiple miscarriages in my second trimester, no one sent me home. They surgically finished what my body couldn’t. I am incensed that women today are lacking care that I expected and received in the past.
Same. My miscarriage in 1980 was treated with a prophylactic D&C. Unfathomable that basic care was withheld. 💔 I heard him today on Andy Ostroy's podcast and I'm glad he's speaking out!
My heart hurts for the pain you endured, and for the pain and suffering endured by the women in Texas. It is clear that the “threat to the life of the mother” standard means nothing to courts. Maybe , at some point, the voters will rise up and make it clear that maternal mortality is a huge issue following Dobbs. But until then, there will be more tragic, terrible stories like these.
Thank you for sharing. I’m having anxiety over everything that is happening in our country. I’m sick of these far right extremists who have hijacked our country. I know I’m voting blue but so many women still vote against their best interests.
How many women have been exactly where you describe being, and where these brave women of Texas have been? God bless you and them. I, too, have suffered the pain of miscarriage, after years of infertility. I would have been absolutely felled by the additional grief of having some clueless men in suits deciding that my own life was not worth saving in service to their own perceived ticket to heaven. What they don't get is that their damn pride and righteousness have already banned them from any heavenly reward, as far as the Bible goes. Here on Earth where we all have to live, we have to make sure they are condemned to irrelevancy in our government, before they harm any more women and families.
Living in Texas is like living in Hell, with the Terrible Trio in charge of constantly turning up the heat. So, us peons are being treated like frogs put in a 9warm kettle. In short, we're going to die a slow, agonizing death, while all those freakin' mosquitoes will run wild, just like those damned cockroaches! We'd love to have a good dose of Blue Elixir and a ton of air conditioning!
Unfortunately we are forced to share our stories to bring to light the struggles women face and the medical solutions necessary to keep up alive, and I for one appreciate your candidness and laying your heart bare to bring us into your pain, Rachel. I am sickened by the GOP, their actions are barbaric and their "justification" is archaic, self-serving hypocrisy. The premise of causing endangerment, mental illness, suicide, death under the guise of religion is undemocratic, shallow, ignorant and backward. We must vote these lunatics out of office.
I am so thankful for the laws on the 70’s. My mother could have been put in prison for a miscarriage that was no fault of hers. My literal birth is proof the republicans are complete f*cking idiots.
My heart and head hurts for the pain you suffered and for the pain other women will suffer because men have chosen to exercise their power in such an intrusive way into women’s most intimate medical decisions which most impact their life and their ability to bear children. Thank you for your courage to speak out. I stand with you for a woman’s right to access safe and adequate medical care and her right to choose what is best for her life and health.
I really really really hope you write about poor people too. Black women, brown women. Because highlighting middle class white women makes this nightmare even worse.
For people aching for a baby, a pregnancy loss is physically and emotionally devastating. You need support and medical care, not rejection and condemnation. Luckily, decades ago when I had multiple miscarriages in my second trimester, no one sent me home. They surgically finished what my body couldn’t. I am incensed that women today are lacking care that I expected and received in the past.
Same. My miscarriage in 1980 was treated with a prophylactic D&C. Unfathomable that basic care was withheld. 💔 I heard him today on Andy Ostroy's podcast and I'm glad he's speaking out!
My heart hurts for the pain you endured, and for the pain and suffering endured by the women in Texas. It is clear that the “threat to the life of the mother” standard means nothing to courts. Maybe , at some point, the voters will rise up and make it clear that maternal mortality is a huge issue following Dobbs. But until then, there will be more tragic, terrible stories like these.
I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story.
Thank you for sharing. I’m having anxiety over everything that is happening in our country. I’m sick of these far right extremists who have hijacked our country. I know I’m voting blue but so many women still vote against their best interests.
We need to share stories like this with women everywhere.
😢How tragic… all women should leave Texas…. I wish with all my heart that they could! 🙏🏻
How many women have been exactly where you describe being, and where these brave women of Texas have been? God bless you and them. I, too, have suffered the pain of miscarriage, after years of infertility. I would have been absolutely felled by the additional grief of having some clueless men in suits deciding that my own life was not worth saving in service to their own perceived ticket to heaven. What they don't get is that their damn pride and righteousness have already banned them from any heavenly reward, as far as the Bible goes. Here on Earth where we all have to live, we have to make sure they are condemned to irrelevancy in our government, before they harm any more women and families.
Living in Texas is like living in Hell, with the Terrible Trio in charge of constantly turning up the heat. So, us peons are being treated like frogs put in a 9warm kettle. In short, we're going to die a slow, agonizing death, while all those freakin' mosquitoes will run wild, just like those damned cockroaches! We'd love to have a good dose of Blue Elixir and a ton of air conditioning!
Unfortunately we are forced to share our stories to bring to light the struggles women face and the medical solutions necessary to keep up alive, and I for one appreciate your candidness and laying your heart bare to bring us into your pain, Rachel. I am sickened by the GOP, their actions are barbaric and their "justification" is archaic, self-serving hypocrisy. The premise of causing endangerment, mental illness, suicide, death under the guise of religion is undemocratic, shallow, ignorant and backward. We must vote these lunatics out of office.
26 years ago I was bleeding out in my kitchen in FL due to miscarriage.
I was alone.
The only thing I thought of: I can’t leave this for my kids to see.
A friend came to help & got me to the medical care I needed.
She cleaned the floor.
We wanted this almost child.
We were devastated.
Now, in Florida and other southern states, the outcome would be much worse.
Abortion care is health care.
And no one’s religious beliefs should impact that fact.
I am so very sorry for your losses, but grateful for your courage. Thank you, Rachel.
Thank you for everything you are able to do, Rachel. We're in this together, and together it HAS to be enough. We WILL vote them out.
Brought to ya from the gimp governor of TEXBANISTAN!
1st do no harm
I am so thankful for the laws on the 70’s. My mother could have been put in prison for a miscarriage that was no fault of hers. My literal birth is proof the republicans are complete f*cking idiots.
Were you supposed to be aborted ?
My heart and head hurts for the pain you suffered and for the pain other women will suffer because men have chosen to exercise their power in such an intrusive way into women’s most intimate medical decisions which most impact their life and their ability to bear children. Thank you for your courage to speak out. I stand with you for a woman’s right to access safe and adequate medical care and her right to choose what is best for her life and health.
I really really really hope you write about poor people too. Black women, brown women. Because highlighting middle class white women makes this nightmare even worse.